Supplementary Table 1: CV (%) at MRL/RC (3 replicates) and r2 of the linearity plot evaluated in the experiment with formic acid.

Compound CV (%) at MRL/RC (n = 3) Linearity r2
4MAA 63 0.6
TLF 46 0.4
DCL 51 0.5
CPF 45 0.7
PBZ 68 0.5
FLU-OH 47 0.6
MLX 47 0.7
IBU 49 0.5

Supplementary Table 1 demonstrates coefficients of variation (CV, %) at the (maximum residue limit) MRL/RC (3 replicates), and r2 of the linearity plot (three levels (0.5, 1, 2 MRL/RC) and blank, 3 replicates for each point) of the studied NSAIDs, evaluated in the experiment with formic acid.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Carprofen (CPF), Tolfenamic acid (TLF), 5-hydroxy flunixin (FLU-OH), Diclofenac (DCL), 4-methylaminoantipyrin (4MAA), Meloxicam (MLX), Ibuprofen (IBU), Phenylbutazone (PBZ).