Table 1: Optimized ESI-MS/MS parameters for each of the studied analytes.

Analyte Transitions (m/z) Polarity Retention time (min) DP (V) CE (V) CXP (V) IS
4MAA 218.1/56a Positive 1.9 26 41 8 FLU-d3
218.1/97 17 12
TLF 262/244.1a Positive 11.3 21 39 6 FLU-d3
261/209.1 19 12
DCL 296.1/214a Positive 10.2 41 45 12 FLU-d3
296.1 /250 17 10
CPF 271.9/227.9a Negative 10 -21 -38 -13 FLU-d3
271.9/225.9 -14 -13
PBZ 307.1/279a Negative 9.8 -41 -32 -7 FLU-d3
307.1/130.8 -26 -15
FLU-OH 310.9/267.1a Negative 9.1 -40 -32 -9 FLU-d3
310.9/277 -24 -11
MLX 349.9/285.9a Negative 8.7 -31 -28 -9 FLU-d3
349.9/145.9 -20 -7
IBU 205/161.1a Negative 10.4 -5 -10 -11 FLU-d3
205/158.8 -10 -11
CAP 321/152.1a Negative 5.3 -30 -22 -23 CAP-d5
321/257.1 -16 -25
CAP-d5 325.9/157 Negative 5.26 -45 -22 -17
FLU-d3 297.9/254.2 Negative 9.3 -65 -24 -11

DP: Declustering Potential; CE: Collision Energy; CXP: Cell Exit Potential; aQuantifier ion.