Table 3b: The mean percentage proportion of metals (%) in the non-lithogenous and lithogenous fractions (Contd.)

Locations Ni Mn Fe
Non-lithogenous fractiona Lithogenous fractionb Non-lithogenous fractiona Lithogenous fractionb Non-lithogenous fractiona Lithogenous fractionb
Odo Owa 2 76.83 23.17 68.42 31.58 56.49 43.51
Odo Owa 5 96.9 3.1 56.14 43.86 67.72 32.28
Oke-Asa 1 85.55 14.45 58.54 41.46 64.95 35.05
Ijero/Ipoti 84.48 15.52 59.26 40.74 74.6 25.4
Ipoti 3 88.06 11.94 77.27 22.73 61.32 38.68
Soso 80.71 19.29 72.73 27.27 42.26 57.74
Lawrence 1 93.23 6.77 67.44 32.56 54.46 45.54
Lawrence 2 85.29 14.71 58.14 41.86 63.44 36.56
Erigbe 86.78 13.22 61.9 38.1 69.36 30.64
Arapate 95.24 4.76 50 50 68.99 31.01
Mean 87.31 12.69 62.98 37.02 62.36 37.64
St dev. 6.3 6.3 8.3 8.31 9.3 9.3
Non-lithogenous fractiona = aqueous phase + exchangeable phase + inorganic phase + organic phase; Lithogenous fractionb = Residual.