Table 2: Descriptive of reliability [38-40].

Statistic indices
Number of replicated Mean Varian Standard deviation Standard error of the mean p-value(Shapiro-Wilk)
5 3.70 0.03 0.17 0.07 0.12

Relative and absolute reliability indices
Mean diff (Bias) SD diff(between subject) 95% LOA (95% CI) LB 95% LOA (95% CI) UB Within- subject variance CR
0.0024 0.16 - 0.31 0.32 0.03 ± 0.44

Mean diff is the mean of the difference between the measured values and the average value; SD diff is the standard deviation of the different value; 95% LOA = Mean diff ± 1.96 × SD diff; 95% LOA LB (95% CI of the LOA) = 95% Limits of agreement Lower Boundary (95% Confidence intervals of the limits of agreement); 95% LOA UB (95% CI of the LOA) = 95% Limits of agreement Upper Boundary (95% Confidence intervals of the limits of agreement); CR (Repeatability Coefficient) = SD diff × 1.96√2 = the smallest real different.