Table 2: FT-IR wavenumbers (cm-1) of potsherds with corresponding vibrational assignments.

FT-IR absorption bands in wave numbers (cm-1) with comparative intensities Corresponding vibrational assignments
MER-01 MER-02 MER-03 MER-04 MER-05 MER-06
3419 M 3454 M 3407 M 3438 M 3460 M 3463 M O-H str. Of adsorbed water
1622 M 1633 M 1622 M 1629 M 1623 W 1639 M Bending of water
1384 S 1384 M - - - - Calcite, carbonate stretch
1037 VS 1031 VS 1085 VS 1076 VS 1081 VS 1041 VS Si-O Str. Of clay minerals
877 W - - - - - Out-of-plane bending CO32−
779 W 779 W 777 W 781 W 797 W - Si-O str. Of clay minerals
798 W 798 W 796 W 798 W 796 W - Si-O of quartz
694 W 694 W 694 W 694 W 692 W 727 W Si-O bending of quartz
- 638 VW - - - 640 W Al-O-Si str. Of feldspar
528 W - - 532 VW - - Fe-O bend of Hematite
468 W 466 VW 462 M 466 VW 462 M 464 VW Si-O-Si bending of silicates
435 W 433 VW - 430 W 439 VW 433 W Si-O mixed vibration

**S: Strong; VS: Very Strong; M: Medium; W: Weak; VW: Very Weak.