Ephraim Suhir is on the faculty of the Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA, and Bordeaux Univ., France. He is also CEO of a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) ERS Co. in Los Altos, CA, USA, is Foreign Full Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Ukraine (he was born in that country); Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), t view full biography...
Dr. Kaufui Vincent Wong is a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Miami (UM), Florida, where he has taught and researched since 1979. His primary research areas are in energy and the environment, fluid mechanics and nanotechnology. Dr. Wong has published over 200 refereed papers in journals and conferences. Dr. Kaufui Vincent Wong authored 2 text-books on Thermodynamics, one on Intermediate Heat Transfe view full biography...
Prof. Karim RAGUI is currently the Deputy Director of International Research and Cooperation (Europe/Asia). He received his double Ph.D. degree from USTHB University, and Paris-Saclay University, France (2016). He has been engaged in basic research of (i) Nanotechnology with heat-mass instabilities in porous media, (ii) applied nanofluids and innovative nano-materials for enhanced transfers, (iii) and Supercritical fluid thermal system view full biography...
Dr. Markatos Nicolas- Chris is a Chemical engineering educator, researcher, administrator (University Rector), Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) & Chartered Engineer (C.Eng) Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineering (FIChE). He completed Diploma in Chemical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens in 1967, M.A. in Business Administration at the Athens School of Economics in 1969, Diploma in Imperial Co view full biography...
Dr. Lin received his Masters degree in 1973 and Ph.D. degree in 1977 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, specializing in Aircraft Structures and Composite Materials. Dr. Lin has over 40 years of research and development experience in advanced composite materials and structures. He has pioneered a singular hybrid finite element method for the accurate analysis of biomaterial fracture problems (1976), and co-developed the well view full biography...
Dr. Shigeo Kimura is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Kanagawa Institute of Technology. He completed his PhD in aeronautical department at University of Tokyo, and then joined Anaircraft Company in Japan as an expert in the rotary wing aerodynamics. After his career in the company, he moved to Kanagawa Institute of Technology as a lecturer. During his career at the college, he served and is still serving as a visiting researcher view full biography...
Rami Ahmad El-Nabulsi holds a PhD in Particle Physics, Mathematical Physics and Modeling from Provence University, France and a diploma of advanced studies in Plasma Physics and Radiation Astrophysics from the same institution. He worked with different worldwide research departments in UK, South Korea, China, Greece, India and he is actually affiliated to Athens Institute for Education and Research, Mathematics and Physics Departments. view full biography...
Dr. Guijun Bi is a Professor of laser material processing from Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology and RWTH Aachen University, Germany in 2004. He is a Senior Scientist and the Group Manager with the Joining & Machining Group in Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech). Dr. Guijun Bi also holds the adjunct position with National University of Singapore. Before joining SIMTech in 2008. He worked at Rolls-Royce Tech view full biography...
Dr. Mariana Alves-Pereira is a Professor in School of Economic Sciences at Universidade Lusofona. She is an internationally recognized expert on the biological response to infrasound and low frequency noise (ILFN) exposure. Holding a Bachelor degree in Physics (State University of New York at Stony Brook), a Masters degree in Biomedical Engineering (Drexel University, Philadelphia), and a Doctorate in Environmental Sciences (New Univers view full biography...
Dr. Xiaoyu Chen is currently an associate professor with School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences, China. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science and Technology from China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, in 2012 and 2014, respectively, where he received the Ph.D. degree in engineering in 2018. His research interests include combinatorial optimization, mathematical programming, evolutionary c view full biography...
Dr. Yongmin Zhong received PhD in Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering. He has held various positions in academia including Curtin Research Fellowship at Curtin University, Australia, and Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Windsor, Canada. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering, RMIT University, Australia. His research interest includes aerial vehicle navigation, guidance and control, optimal view full biography...
Dr. Xinlin Qing is a Distinguished Professor in the College of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Xiamen University, China. He received his PhD degree from the Department of Engineering Mechanics at Tsinghua University in 1993. He was a Senior Technical Fellow and Director of Department of Aviation Health Management at Beijing Aeronautical Science and Technology Research Institute of COMAC from 2010-2015 through the Recruitment Program of view full biography...
Dr. Yulin Li is an Associate Professor in Engineering Research Centre for Biomedical Materials of Ministry of Education at East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, People's Republic of China and he is also a visiting researcher at CQM, University of Madeira, Portugal. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Polymer Chemistry and Physics in 2005 from Chinese Academy of Sciences, People's Republic of China. Dr. Li started his fi view full biography...
Dr. Sourav Banerjee is currently an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA. He received his PhD degree in Engineering Mechanics with minor in Applied Mathematics from the University of Arizona in 2005. Dr. Banerjee received numerous awards and honors in his career notably the young investigator award, the 'Achenbach Medal' for his contribution to the field of struc view full biography...
Dr. Meilin Yu is an Assistant Professor in ME Department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He received his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, with a minor in Applied Scientific Computation, from Iowa State University in 2012. After that, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Kansas. Dr. Yu received the Alexander Lippisch Memorial Scholarship, and Research Excellence Award. He has served as session chai view full biography...
Dr. Wei HUANG is a Associate Professor of National University of Defense Technology, and has been a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers since 2011. He has received his BSc and PhD degrees from National University of Defense Technology, China in 2005 and 2010 respectively. He was the recipient of the 2013 National Doctoral Dissertation Award, and one of the recipients for two first-class prizes in Natural Science of Hu view full biography...
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