International Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials Engineering

ISSN: 2633-8920   DOI: 10.35840/2633-8920

Editorial Board

Prof. Abul KM Azad

Associate Dean and Professor
Department of Technology
Northern Illinois University

Dr. Abul KM Azad is a Associate Dean and Professor in the Department of Technology at the Northern Illinois University, USA. He received his PhD in Analysis and Design of Control Mechanisms for Flexible Manipulator Systems at Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK in 1989- 1994 and MSc in Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1985-87. His hon view full biography...

Dr. Abul KM Azad is a Associate Dean and Professor in the Department of Technology at the Northern Illinois University, USA. He received his PhD in Analysis and Design of Control Mechanisms for Flexible Manipulator Systems at Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK in 1989- 1994 and MSc in Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1985-87. His honors and awards include, he has over 120 refereed journal and conference papers as well as 5 edited books. So far, he has attracted around $2.6M of research and development grants from various national and international funding agencies and he is the President of the Global Online Laboratory Consortium (GOLC) as well as the Vice-President of the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE), Faculty of the Year award, College of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Northern Illinois University, 2017 and Fulbright fellowship, sponsored by the U.S. State Department, with a placement to the United Arab Emirates, Fall 2008, Commonwealth scholarship for PhD program in UK, 1988-95 and also Chancellor award for BSc(Hons) result, 1987. Dr. Abul KM Azad's research interest includes Internet of Things, e-learning, remote laboratories, control systems, mobile robotics, and educational research.

Dr. Itzik Harosh

Founder & CEO
Department of Biotechnology

Dr. Itzik Harosh is the founder & CEO of Obe Therapy Biotechnology. He received his PhD at The Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, working on DNA repair enzymes which was followed by four years of post doctoral experience at Stanford and at Davis University, California, US. From there he moved to France where he worked in the CNRS at the laboratory of Miro Radman. Dr. Itzik Harosh establish the concept to look for genes associated view full biography...

Dr. Itzik Harosh is the founder & CEO of Obe Therapy Biotechnology. He received his PhD at The Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, working on DNA repair enzymes which was followed by four years of post doctoral experience at Stanford and at Davis University, California, US. From there he moved to France where he worked in the CNRS at the laboratory of Miro Radman. Dr. Itzik Harosh establish the concept to look for genes associated to starvation phenotye for the treatment of obesity and type II diabetes. His honors and awards include he was regularly invited to international Obesity, Diabetes and metabolic syndrome conferences and INSERM Short Term Fellowship (Poste vert) Institute Gustave Roussy, Villejuif France – 1987 and Dean's Award - Stanford University Medical School, Stanford University, Stanford CA - 1988, Fancony Anemia Research Foundation Fellowship - University of California, Davis, CA - 1989 and also Poste Rouge Research Fellowship - Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS, Paris - 1991.

Prof. Samuel CL Lo

Head and Professor
Department of ABCT
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong

Dr. Samuel CL Lo is a Head and Professor in Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Medicine, Alfred Hospital, Monash University, Australia in 1990. He was trained as a protein chemist looking at the interactions of antiphospholipid antibodies with the natural anticoagulant system of the body. He joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic view full biography...

Dr. Samuel CL Lo is a Head and Professor in Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Medicine, Alfred Hospital, Monash University, Australia in 1990. He was trained as a protein chemist looking at the interactions of antiphospholipid antibodies with the natural anticoagulant system of the body. He joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1990. His research interest had branched out from the study of anti-phospholipid antibodies to application of proteomic technologies. He had successfully applied proteomic technologies to compare protein expression in dinoflagellates in various nutritional and environmental conditions. Comparative proteomics were also performed on toxic and non-toxic dinoflagellates of the same species. He has also adopted protein/peptide-expression-profiles in the fast identification of dinoflagellates and other harmful algal bloom causative agents. Prof. Samuel CL Lo is also applying proteomic technologies to study the effects of low-dose chronic administration of methyl-mercury on the brain as well as in the search of serum biomarkers of lung and gastric cancers.

Dr. Gary Heng-Liang Lin

Department of Fund Management and General Secretary of Cell Therapy Group
Fu Jen Catholic University

Dr. Gary Heng-Liang Lin received his PhD in pharmacology from National Yang-Ming University. He is currently working for Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital as a Deputy Director of Center for Innovation, Director of Department of Fund Management and General Secretary of Cell Therapy Group. Dr. Lin has academic experiences at Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institute (NHRI), non-profit Dev view full biography...

Dr. Gary Heng-Liang Lin received his PhD in pharmacology from National Yang-Ming University. He is currently working for Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital as a Deputy Director of Center for Innovation, Director of Department of Fund Management and General Secretary of Cell Therapy Group. Dr. Lin has academic experiences at Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research Institute (NHRI), non-profit Development Center for Biotechnology (DCB) andInstitute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry (IBMI). Dr. Lin has established several disease animal models and molecular target-based evaluation systems. He is involved in several clinical trial projects and was been interviewed/ reported by Global Business Reports (GBR) during 2015. Dr. Lin has been participating many journal editorial and review boards. At present, he works for resource integration and innovative platform to translate clinical demands into patient accessible resolutions. With drug and Medtech repurposing, it could facilitate clinical-driven innovation to be bedside availability.

Prof. Gassan Hodaifa Meri

Full Professor
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemical Engineering
Pablo de Olavide University, Spain

Dr. Gassan Hodaifa Meri is a Full Professor in Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemical Engineering at the Pablo de Olavide University. He received his Ph.D. in Use of Industrial Olive Oil Wastewater in the Production of Microalgae Biomass Management Science from the Jaén University. He has a teaching experience of more than ten years in the Chemical Engineering Area. His teaching has been taught at the Universities of Jaén as view full biography...

Dr. Gassan Hodaifa Meri is a Full Professor in Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemical Engineering at the Pablo de Olavide University. He received his Ph.D. in Use of Industrial Olive Oil Wastewater in the Production of Microalgae Biomass Management Science from the Jaén University. He has a teaching experience of more than ten years in the Chemical Engineering Area. His teaching has been taught at the Universities of Jaén as Associate Professor (2002-2005) and Assistant Professor (2005-2006), Complutense University of Madrid as Assistant Professor (2006-2009) and at the Pablo de Olavide University as Assistant Professor Doctor , Contracted Doctor (2009-20011). His research intrest includes Biotechnology of Microalgae, Wastewater Treatment, Enzyme technology, and Reduction of sludge production by Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) using nematodes.

Prof. Ajay Kumar Ray

Professor and chair
Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
University of Western Ontario

Dr. Ajay Kumar Ray is a Professor and chair in Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering at the University of Western Ontario, London. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, USA in 1992 and M. Tech. in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in 1985. His honors and awards include Faculty Scholars award from University of Western Ontario in 2012 and Faculty of Enginee view full biography...

Dr. Ajay Kumar Ray is a Professor and chair in Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering at the University of Western Ontario, London. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, USA in 1992 and M. Tech. in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in 1985. His honors and awards include Faculty Scholars award from University of Western Ontario in 2012 and Faculty of Engineering award for Excellence in Research from University of Western Ontario in 2011, Teaching Excellence award from National University of Singapore in 2004 and also Invited Speaker at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich; University of Akron; Auburn University; McMaster University; University of New South Wales and many others in India, Malaysia, Singapore, and many international conferences. Dr. Ajay Kumar's research interest includes Modelling, Simulation and Multi‐objective Optimization of Industrial Reactors and Processes, Simulated Moving Bed Systems for Impossible Separations, Integrated Reactor Separator, Multi‐Functional Reactors, Separative Reactors, Hybrid SMB‐Crystallization, Band‐Engineered Solar Photocatalysis, Dye sensitized photocatalysis, Large‐scale Photocatalytic Reactor Design for Water Purification, Clean Hydrogen by Water Splitting based on Solar Photocatalysis, Oscillatory Reactor, Optimum Design of Polymer Reactors, Circulating Fluidized Bed Systems, Protein Refolding, Biodiesel from Microalgae, Design of Photo‐Bio Reactor, Disinfection of Opaque (Low UVT) Fluids.

Prof. Yung Tse Hung

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Cleveland State University

Dr. Yung Tse Hung is a Professor in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Cleveland State University, USA since 1981. He received his Environmental Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1970 and M.S. and B.S. in Civil Engineering from the Cheng Kung University, Taiwan in 1964. He has about 15 books, 450 report and journal publications, and conference presentations in water and wastewater treatm view full biography...

Dr. Yung Tse Hung is a Professor in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Cleveland State University, USA since 1981. He received his Environmental Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1970 and M.S. and B.S. in Civil Engineering from the Cheng Kung University, Taiwan in 1964. He has about 15 books, 450 report and journal publications, and conference presentations in water and wastewater treatment. He is a Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers, a diplomate of American Academy of Environmental Engineers, Fellow of Ohio Academy of Science, a member of Association of Environmental Engineering Association and Water Environment Federation. He is the Executive Director of Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association. His research interest includes Water supply and water treatment, Municipal wastewater treatment, Industrial waste treatment, Biological waste treatment, Water and wastewater treatment plant design, Water pollution control, Water quality engineering.

Prof. Andrew Mak

Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Hong Kong

Dr. Andrew Mak is a Professor of Engineering Practice at the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology. He has a Bachelor of Law from Peking University, a Master and PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of Leeds and University College of London; as well as a MBA from the Open University of Hong kong. He has been Air Products’ Regional Director for Global Gases Technology view full biography...

Dr. Andrew Mak is a Professor of Engineering Practice at the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology. He has a Bachelor of Law from Peking University, a Master and PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of Leeds and University College of London; as well as a MBA from the Open University of Hong kong. He has been Air Products’ Regional Director for Global Gases Technology, Regional Technology Director of Tonnage Gases, Equipment and Energy, Regional Director of Corporate Technology Partnership for intellectual assets management, Senior Regional Manager in Process Engineering and Venture Manager for large capital projects. Prior to Air Products, he worked for BHR Group Ltd in the UK and DuPont in the USA. He has over 30 years of full time industrial experience. Dr. Andrew’s research interests include Multiphase mixing, Fluid flow, Process & equipment design & scale-up, Energy and Environmental systems.

Dr. Natalia Filippova

Department of Neurology
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Dr. Natalia Filippova is a Instructor in the Department of Neurology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. she received her Master Degree in Physics/Biophysics at the University of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia in 1992 and PhD in Biological Science from Moscow Institute of Developmental Biology, Moscow, Russia in 1995. Her honors and awards include UAB certificate of demonstration of special dedication and dependability view full biography...

Dr. Natalia Filippova is a Instructor in the Department of Neurology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. she received her Master Degree in Physics/Biophysics at the University of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia in 1992 and PhD in Biological Science from Moscow Institute of Developmental Biology, Moscow, Russia in 1995. Her honors and awards include UAB certificate of demonstration of special dedication and dependability of giving in 2016, UAB certificate of demonstration of special dedication and dependability of giving in 2011, Scholarship award for Annual International Winter School, “Ionic channels in neuronal cells” Allicante, Spainin 1994, Advanced graduation from Moscow State University in 1992, Gold medal for excellent academic achievement in High School in 1987. Dr. Natalia Filippova’s research interests includes 1) Membrane topology and kinase dependent regulation of NMDA, AMPA/kainate and GABA (GABAa and GABAc) receptors, 2) Characterization of mRNA binding protein HuR as one of the oncogenic regulators of centrosomes function in cancer cells in both, post transcriptional and post translational levels, 3) Chemotherapeutic implications of the inhibition of HuRmultimerization in glioma treatment, 4) Determination of signaling pathway involved in the PDL1 up-regulation in brain tumors and glymphatic system and also 5) Evaluation of signaling pathways in IDH1-R132mut glioma models leading to the genomic instabilities and immune response failure.

Dr. Elide Formentin

Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
University of Padua

Dr. Elide Formentin is a Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Padua. she received her PhD in Biotechnology and Master Degree in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Padova. Her honors and awards include 2004 'Piero De Leo' Award and she was also a Member of the Italian Society of Plant Biology (SIBV) from 2017. Dr. Elide Formentin’s research interests includes The application of molecular biology view full biography...

Dr. Elide Formentin is a Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Padua. she received her PhD in Biotechnology and Master Degree in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Padova. Her honors and awards include 2004 'Piero De Leo' Award and she was also a Member of the Italian Society of Plant Biology (SIBV) from 2017. Dr. Elide Formentin’s research interests includes The application of molecular biology and genetic engineering to the improvement of rice resilience in high salinity conditions and Involvement of organellar ion channels in abiotic stress signalling, Calcium and ROS signalling in response to external stimuli and also Antioxidative effects of plant secondary metabolites.

Dr. Shama Ahmad

Associate Professor
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
University of Alabama, USA

Dr. Shama Ahmad is a Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. she received her PhD in Institute of Biotechnology and M.S. in Lucknow University. Her honors and awards include K12 Scholar, Colorado Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Denver, Denver, CO. USA, 2008–2011, and Robert J Suslow fellow at National Jewish Health, Denve view full biography...

Dr. Shama Ahmad is a Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. she received her PhD in Institute of Biotechnology and M.S. in Lucknow University. Her honors and awards include K12 Scholar, Colorado Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Denver, Denver, CO. USA, 2008–2011, and Robert J Suslow fellow at National Jewish Health, Denver CO. USA, 2000–2001, Senior Research Fellow of University Grants Commission of India at Institute of Biotechnology, A.M. University, Aligarh, India, 1991–1995 and also Junior Research Fellow of University Grants Commission of India at Institute of Biotechnology, A. M. University, Aligarh, India, 1989–1991. Dr. Shama Ahmad serves in various scientific committees and contributed editorial summaries on current research in her field in Science Translational Medicine a leading science journal as an Associate Scientific Advisor of Science Translational Medicine. Dr. Shama Ahmad research is focused on elucidating cellular signaling mechanism related to oxidative stress and their perturbation in chronic lung diseases, with a focus on developing novel treatment strategies.

Dr. Lucio Montecchio

Associate professor
Department of TESAF
University of Padova

Dr. Lucio Montecchio is a Associate professor in the Department of TESAF (Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry) at the University of Padova. He received his M.Sc. degree in Forest Sciences from the University of Padova, Italy. He is the author of more than 100 technical and scientific papers and book chapters, and four patents. Environment-friendly approaches on diseases control my means of endotherapic treatments is a new line view full biography...

Dr. Lucio Montecchio is a Associate professor in the Department of TESAF (Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry) at the University of Padova. He received his M.Sc. degree in Forest Sciences from the University of Padova, Italy. He is the author of more than 100 technical and scientific papers and book chapters, and four patents. Environment-friendly approaches on diseases control my means of endotherapic treatments is a new line of research. He’s the team leader of the Tree fitness lab, is involved in internationally funded researches and actions, and holds advisory positions on local, national and international levels. His honors and awards include International Scientist of the Year (International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK), 2001 and Included in the 27th edition of “Who’s Who in the World” (Marquis Who’s Who, NJ, USA), 2010 and Oroflor/Flormart International Innovation Prize for the Trunk injection device “Bite”, 2012 and Editor’s Pick for the following paper: Montecchio L., 2013. A Venturi effect can help cure our tress. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 80, e51199, doi:10.3791/51199, 2014. Dr. Lucio Montecchio 's research focuses on the biology, epidemiology and pathogenicity of fungal parasites in forest and ornamental trees, on weakness pathogens, and on the dynamics of the mutualistic fungal communities associated with trees health.

Dr. Antonio Scopa

Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Chemistry
University of Basilicata

Dr. Antonio Scopa is a Associate Professor in Department of Agricultural Chemistry at University of Basilicata. He worked as an Assistant Professor in Department of Agricultural Chemistry at the same university. Dr. Antonio Scopa is also a member of Italian Society of Agricultural Chemistry, Italian Research Group of Pesticides and Environment etc. He is involved in scientific collaborations for "Development of sustainable systems to li view full biography...

Dr. Antonio Scopa is a Associate Professor in Department of Agricultural Chemistry at University of Basilicata. He worked as an Assistant Professor in Department of Agricultural Chemistry at the same university. Dr. Antonio Scopa is also a member of Italian Society of Agricultural Chemistry, Italian Research Group of Pesticides and Environment etc. He is involved in scientific collaborations for "Development of sustainable systems to limit the negative effects of pesticide use in Morocco". He has Scientific Membership in Italian Society of Agricultural Chemistry (SICA), Italian Research Group of Pesticides and Environment (GRIFA) and also Società Orticola Italiana (SOI). Dr. Scopa's research interests includes Soil chemistry, Soil remediation, Chemistry of natural substances in vegetables and soil, Effects of biotic and abiotic stresses on soil and plant, Pesticide chemistry and photochemistry etc.

Dr. Giulia Guerriero

Associate Professor
Department of Biology
University of Naples Federico II

Dr. Giulia Guerriero is a Associate Professor in Comparative Anatomy and Cytology at the University of Naples Federico II. she received her Ph.D. in Comparative and Evolutionary Biology, University Federico II, Naples (1992-1995). Her research effort has been focused on correlation between oxidants and antioxidants in physiological defenses; on the role of steroid receptors in the reproduction and on the importance of barcoding in the view full biography...

Dr. Giulia Guerriero is a Associate Professor in Comparative Anatomy and Cytology at the University of Naples Federico II. she received her Ph.D. in Comparative and Evolutionary Biology, University Federico II, Naples (1992-1995). Her research effort has been focused on correlation between oxidants and antioxidants in physiological defenses; on the role of steroid receptors in the reproduction and on the importance of barcoding in the evaluation of species-specific responses. She has published relevant refereed international journal and conference papers. Since 2011 she is representative of bilateral agreements between the University of Naples Federico II and universities and research centers of excellence. She has organized and participated in international conferences. Dr. Giulia Guerriero's is currently conducting research on Reproductive health effect of climate change, Marine pollution, Sustainable blue economy and fisheries, Bioremediation and Resilient system.

Dr. Mohammad H Rahman

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical/ Biomedical Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Dr. Mohammad H. Rahman is a Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical/ Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA. He received his PhD in Engineering from the University of Quebec, Canada and Master of Engineering (M. Engg.) in Mechanical from the Saga University, Japan. His honors and awards includes Dhaka District Council’s Merit order Scholarship, Bangladesh in 1997 and Postdoctoral research scholar view full biography...

Dr. Mohammad H. Rahman is a Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical/ Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA. He received his PhD in Engineering from the University of Quebec, Canada and Master of Engineering (M. Engg.) in Mechanical from the Saga University, Japan. His honors and awards includes Dhaka District Council’s Merit order Scholarship, Bangladesh in 1997 and Postdoctoral research scholarships-B3 in Quebec Fund for Research on Nature and Technology: Secured 1st position in Group- Techniques, Measurements and Systems in 2012 competition. Dr. Mohammad H. Rahman's research interest includes Bio-robotics: Wearable robots, Rehabilitation robotics, Exoskeleton robots (for rehabilitation & motion assist), Medical robots, Human-assist robots, Service robots, Surgical robots, Human-machine interface and Intelligent system and Control: Nonlinear control, Artificial intelligence, Neural networks, Fuzzy systems, Fuzzy-neuro control, Adaptive control, Control using bio-logical signals such as Electromyogram signals, Autonomous navigation, Tele-robotics, Teleportation.

Dr. Bortolini Lucia

Assistant Professor
Department of TESAF
University of Padova

Dr. Bortolini Lucia is a Assistant Professor in the Department of TESAF (Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry) at the University of Padova. she received her PhD in Agricultural Mechanics and Mechanization and Master Degree in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Padova. Her honors and awards include Member of Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering (AIIA), Italian Horticultural Society (SOI), Italian Group of Hydraulic view full biography...

Dr. Bortolini Lucia is a Assistant Professor in the Department of TESAF (Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry) at the University of Padova. she received her PhD in Agricultural Mechanics and Mechanization and Master Degree in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Padova. Her honors and awards include Member of Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering (AIIA), Italian Horticultural Society (SOI), Italian Group of Hydraulics (GII), Italian Society of Arboriculture (SIA). She has published more than 80 scientific papers (some of them in ISI/Scopus journals) and she attained numerous international conferences and workshops, also as invited speaker and Supervisor of more than 100 graduate and PhD students. Dr. Bortolini Lucia's research activities include irrigation systems and innovative irrigation technologies with low environmental impact and green infrastructures for the sustainable management of storm water runoff (green roofs, rain garden, bioretention, etc.), horticultural and landscape mechanization and also application of hydrological models in the agricultural field and also risk analysis in the workplaces for the maintenance of the green spaces.

Dr. Houman Sotoudeh

Assistant Professor
Department of Radiology
University of Alabama

Dr. Houman Sotoudeh is a assistant professor in the Department of Radiology and assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. He has earned his medical degree from Tehran University of Medical Science in 2002. His honors and awards include Candidate for the best training article in RSNA (Nov 2011) for “Pancreatic imaging findings in Tuberous sclerosis “Research in 2011, European view full biography...

Dr. Houman Sotoudeh is a assistant professor in the Department of Radiology and assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. He has earned his medical degree from Tehran University of Medical Science in 2002. His honors and awards include Candidate for the best training article in RSNA (Nov 2011) for “Pancreatic imaging findings in Tuberous sclerosis “Research in 2011, European congress of radiology travel bursary award in 2009, 1st rank Award in Iranian National Board Examination in Radiology, among about 200 radiologists in 2008 and also Prize for the most outstanding Radiology Resident at Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2007. His research interest includes Advanced imaging in neuroradiology (fMRI, DTI, MR/CT perfusion, MRS), PET/MR application in neuroradiology, Molecular imaging in neurodegenerative disorders, Pretreatment evaluation of CNS neoplasms, Pediatric neuroradiology.

Dr. Zhao Qian

Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong

Dr. Zhao Qian is a assistant professor in the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. She received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Hong Kong and Post-doc training in University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Before joining PolyU, she was a research assistant professor in Hong Kong Baptist University. In the past decade she has been focusing on studying sma view full biography...

Dr. Zhao Qian is a assistant professor in the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. She received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Hong Kong and Post-doc training in University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Before joining PolyU, she was a research assistant professor in Hong Kong Baptist University. In the past decade she has been focusing on studying small molecule-protein interactions and related technology development. She has developed chemical proteomics methods for drug target identification, for which she was invited to join Novartis as an Investigator. She has also developed chemical proteomics profiling methods to study kinase inhibitors. Her multidisciplinary research work expands Chemical Biology, Biological Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics, which has been published on scientific journals including PNAS, Angew Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Sci., JACS and Science. Dr. Zhao Qian’s research interest includes Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics and Chemical Biolog: Target identification of natural products and drug molecules (target ID), Protein translation and post-translational modifications (PTMs), Nascent protein synthesis identification and quantification.

Dr. Qammer H Abbasi

Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering
University of Glasgow

Dr. Qammer H Abbasi is a Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering at the University of Glasgow. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Electrical engineering from Queen Mary University of London in 2012. He is also a Visiting Research Fellow with Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) and Visiting Associate Research Scientist with Texas A & M University. His honors and awards include Research F view full biography...

Dr. Qammer H Abbasi is a Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering at the University of Glasgow. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Electrical engineering from Queen Mary University of London in 2012. He is also a Visiting Research Fellow with Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) and Visiting Associate Research Scientist with Texas A & M University. His honors and awards include Research Fellow Excellence Award, Texas A & M University, Research Excellence award, ECEN Dept., Texas A & M University, Teaching Excellence award, ECEN Dept., Texas A & M University, UK Exceptional Talent Endorsement by Royal Academy of Engineering, Nominated for best paper award in IWAT 2011. Dr. Qammer H Abbasi’s research interests include the nano communication, biomedical applications of millimeter and terahertz communication, wearable and flexible sensors, compact antenna design, RF design and radio propagation, antenna interaction with human body, Implants, body centric wireless communication issues, wireless body sensor networks, non-invasive health care solutions, physical layer security for wearable/implant communication and multiple-input-multiple-output systems.

Dr. Sarmed Al-Samerria

Post-doctoral research fellow
Cell signalling and Cancer biology
Harry Perkins institute of medical research

Dr. Sarmed Al-Samerria is post-doctoral research fellow in the Cell signalling and Cancer biology of Harry Perkins Institute of medical research cell signaling group in Perth Western Australia. He has received his PhD in reproductive endocrinology from Curtin University. His doctorate work to investigate the role of bone morphogenetic protein in regulation of ovarian follicle development in different species using different experimental view full biography...

Dr. Sarmed Al-Samerria is post-doctoral research fellow in the Cell signalling and Cancer biology of Harry Perkins Institute of medical research cell signaling group in Perth Western Australia. He has received his PhD in reproductive endocrinology from Curtin University. His doctorate work to investigate the role of bone morphogenetic protein in regulation of ovarian follicle development in different species using different experimental approaches. He gained a post- grad higher Diploma 2004 in medical technology and BSc (2002) in human biology and microbiology both from Baghdad University. In 2004 he served as scientist in the research Centre of the radioactive materials in Iraq. Dr. Sarmed is working on research project to investigating factor/s control osteosarcoma cell migration, invasion and proliferation using different experimental approaches including: Knockout mice, Zebra fish technique and Genetically edited cell line.

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